Orchid Mix
RePotme Orchid Mixes come in 4 sizes, are freshly made in small batches and are shipped all over the United States and even around the world every day. We have been recognized by the most important judges, our customers, as having the finest products, unmatched customer service and lightning fast shipping. Our Testimonials section of the website attests to our dedication to 100% customer satisfaction. Our goal is to delight our customers.
We are all about giving orchid growers choices when they need to repot their prized plants. Orchids need to repotted regularly for health and beauty, but availability of fresh media and premium small batch high quality orchid mixes have been impossible to find until now.
Finding the right orchid mix is now easier than ever. We are dedicated to helping you find the right orchid mix for every genera, and also the orchid media that you can create your own mix from. A division of rePotme.com, we represent 21 Selected Blend Orchid Mixes, in addition to Select-A-Blend which offers 46 different orchid media choices from Aliflor to New Zealand AAA Sphagnum. Select-A-Blend Orchid Mix allows you to create your own mix which is then blended by the company, packaged and immediately shipped to your door!
Classic Orchid Mixes

We have created a wide variety of small batch rePotme Classic Orchid Mixes which have worked well for us and may be perfect for you too. We now have two sections of our great Classic Orchid Mixes.
- 12 custom blended small batch Classic Orchid Mixes organized by orchid type, and
- 4 Classic Tropical Mixes for exotics and tropical houseplants.
Orchid Mix - Imperial Orchid Mixes

Imperial Orchid Mix orchid potting mixes exclusively from rePotme. Nine exquisite Imperial Orchid Mixes designed for discriminating growers and hobbyists and their unique plants.
Select-A-Blend Orchid Mix

You can Make Your Own Mix from our extensive Select-A-Blend Menu of 48 unique orchid media choices and we will custom blend an orchid mix with precisely the media you select.
One orchid mix doesn't have to fit all, and our experience has taught us that orchids are each as unique as the environment they are growing in. Our mission is to provide you with the highest quality orchid mixes for your environment and growing conditions.
We use specialized low rpm equipment and old
fashioned hand blending to create all of our mixes
which treats the medium gently so as to protect
the qualities and characteristics of each ingredient.
All of our potting mixes are available in convenient
resealable bags. Each standard bag of orchid potting mix is a
generous overstuffed 13 inch x 18 inch size.
All standard orchid mix bags are made from 12 quarts of media. For customers needing larger quantities we offer THE BOX which holds almost 5 bags worth of Classic Orchid Mix. RePotme Classic mixes are also available as a Half Box. Our Imperial Orchid Mixes are also available in larger sizes. The Imperial Cube holds roughly 2 1/2 standard bags of mix.

THE BOX is available with any of our rePotme Classic Potting Mixes (except Inorganic). A stuffed 14" X 14" X 14" lined box with the equivalent of almost 5 standard bags of Classic Orchid Mix. Including a free white 1 quart scoop with each order, THE BOX is available for $91.75. If purchased separately, this quantity of Classic Orchid Mix with scoop would cost substantially more. Box and liner can easily be closed for use at a later time.
Please see our guide to finding the right orchid mix for your orchid. If there is something your prized plants require that we do not offer, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Classic Orchid Mixes

Phalaenopsis Classic Orchid Mix
includes premium sphagnum moss, sponge rock and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix holds moisture well and is used for Phalaenopsis, Catasetum, and Masdevallia. It is also an excellent choice for seedlings.Available in 4 sizes.

Cattleya Multi Purpose Classic Orchid Mix
includes coconut husk chips, sponge rock, charcoal, and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix holds a moderate amount of moisture and is used with Cattleya and other thick rooted orchids and is suitable for virtually any orchid. Available in 4 sizes.

Dendrobium Classic Orchid Mix
is ideal for Brassavola and Dendrobium. This mix contains coconut and volcanic rock for just the right blend of moisture and drainage. The pea gravel and granite chips weigh down the pot for those top-heavy dendrobiums.Available in 4 sizes.

Oncidium & Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
includes small coconut husk chips, small sponge rock, chopped sphagnum, charcoal, and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix blend is for all seedlings and fine rooted orchids such as Oncidium, Odontoglossum, Epidendrum, Lycaste, Masdevallia, and Miltonia. Available in 4 sizes.

Paph & Phrag Classic Orchid Mix
includes small coconut husk chips, aliflor, small sponge rock, coir, chopped sphagnum, charcoal, and white marble chips. This Classic Orchid Mix blend is specially made for paphipedilums and phragmepediums but works well for many other genera as well. Available in 4 sizes.

Cymbidium Classic Orchid Mix
includes redwood bark, small coconut husk chips, small sponge rock, coir, chopped sphagnum and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix blend is specially made for Cymbidiums but will work well for many other terrestrial orchids as well.Available in 4 sizes.

Chunky Catt Classic Orchid Mix
includes large coconut husk chips, large sponge rock, and large charcoal. This Classic Orchid Mix is specially made for large Cattleyas and Vandas but will work well for large specimen plants that require a very large open mix or whenever a very open, large media size is desired. Available in 4 sizes.

Terrestrial Classic Orchid Mix
includes sphagnum peat, sponge rock, charcoal, coir, vermiculite, aerolite, and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix blend is used for phalaenopsis, seedlings, and terrestrials like Ludisia (the jewel orchid).Available in 4 sizes.

Multi Purpose Fir Classic Orchid Mix
includes medium fir bark, sponge rock, charcoal, and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix holds a moderate amount of moisture and is used with Cattleya, Cymbidiums, Laelia, thick rooted Oncidium/Odontoglossum, and Stanhopea and is suitable for virtually any orchid. Available in 4 sizes.

Seedling Fir Classic Orchid Mix
includes small fir bark, small sponge rock, chopped sphagnum, charcoal, and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix blend is for all seedlings and fine rooted orchids such as Oncidium, Epidendrum, Lycaste, Masdevallia, and Miltonia.Available in 4 sizes.

Terrestrial Fir Classic Orchid Mix
includes sphagnum peat, small fir bark, sponge rock, charcoal, and granite chips. This soil-less Classic Orchid Mix blend is used for terrestrials that like a chunkier mix with bark. Available in 4 sizes.

Inorganic Classic Orchid Mix
includes lava rock, sponge rock, pea gravel, charcoal and granite chips. This Classic Orchid Mix blend retains a minimum of water and does not break down over time. This blend is ideal for orchids that prefer infrequent repotting.Available in 3 sizes.

Classic Orchid Mixes hand blended from the highest quality media. Why settle for less? Choose a specialty Classic Orchid Mix from rePotme Orchid Supplies. We have assembled one of the most extensive and extraordinary selections of Classic Orchid Mixes and media to be found in one place. Please see our Select-A-Blend custom blended orchid potting mix. We will custom blend whatever wonderful mix you dream of. From Orchids to Bonsai and every plant in between, repotme.com orchid supply is the place smart growers come, because we deliver the goods!
Our specialty Classic Orchid Mix Classic Orchid Mixes are made in small batches hand filled from
the exact same quality ingredients as you are able to choose from Select-A-Blend Orchid Mix
and A-La-Carte orchid media areas,
the only difference is that we have done the choosing for you. Our criteria is based on our experience growing our own orchids.
In response to requests for separate quart sized bags of media types we have created Scoops-To-Go! where you can have any of our extensive list of medias individually packaged. We have also created a whole section of Tropical Mixes designed for exotics and indoor plants like african violets, bromeliads, cactus, ivy, jade, philodendron, spider plants, clivia, plumerias and a host of other fine plants.
Please see our guide to finding the right orchid mix for your orchid. If you are unsure which orchid mix is right for your plants, feel free to contact us.
Imperial Orchid Mixes
Imperial Orchid Mixes -- Exclusively from rePotme.com Orchid Supply.
These exquisite orchid mixes broaden our offerings as we continue to add more premium mixes for you to try.
Imperial orchid mixes use exceptionally clean media which are a delight to work with. AAA New Zealand Sphagnum is unusually soft and fluffy. Cork offers craggy surfaces which many orchids love. Cork also adds to the longevity of the mix. Our Monterey Pine Bark is a superior aged bark from the New Zealand Pinus Radiata specially produced to grow high quality orchids throughout the world.
Imperial Orchid Mixes, Classic Orchid Mixes, Select-A-Blend, or individual orchid mediums, whichever is best for you and your unique growing requirements, rePotme delivers the goods!

Phalaenopsis AAA Imperial Orchid Mix
is made with AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss, Medium Cork Nuggets imported from Portugal, and Large Sponge Rock.Available in 3 sizes.

Phalaenopsis Monterey Imperial Orchid Mix
is made with AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss, Medium Monterey Pine Bark, Medium Cork Nuggets imported from Portugal, and Large Sponge Rock.Available in 3 sizes.

Cattleya Imperial Orchid Mix
is made with Medium Cork Nuggets imported from Portugal, Medium Monterey Pine Bark, Medium Aliflor and Large Sponge Rock.Available in 3 sizes.

Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
is made with Small Cork Nuggets imported from Portugal, Small Monterey Pine Bark, Chopped Sphagnum and Rice Hulls.Available in 3 sizes.

Dendrobium Imperial Orchid Mix
is made with Medium Volcanic Rock, Medium Cork Nuggets imported from Portugal, and Medium Sponge Rock.Available in 3 sizes.

Paph & Phrag Imperial Orchid Mix
is made with Small Cork Nuggets imported from Portugal, Small Monterey Pine Bark, Small Aliflor and Medium Sponge Rock.Available in 3 sizes.

Cymbidium Orchid Mix
is made with Small Monterey Pine Bark, Medium Redwood Bark, Pro Moss Fibrous Blond chunky peat moss, Small Tree Fern and Rice Hulls.Available in 3 sizes.

Multi Purpose AAA Imperial Orchid Mix
includes AAA New Zealand Sphagnum moss, Sponge Rock, Tree Fern Fiber, Granite and White Marble Chips.Available in 3 sizes.

Multi Purpose Monterey Imperial Orchid Mix
includes Medium Monterey Pine Bark, Small Monterey Pine Bark, Chopped Sphagnum, Medium Sponge Rock and Granite Chips.Available in 3 sizes.

Q: How many Imperial Orchid Mixes have you introduced and why are they so popular?
A: We now have 9 Imperial Orchid Mixes organized by genera and plant type like our original Classic Orchid Mixes. While our original Classic Orchid Mixes are terrific mixes, we have been searching for orchid mediums that are really extraordinary and as we have found them and added them to our offerings we realized that they really provided an opportunity to stand on their own and not be simply and easily just combined with other existing orchid mediums like coconut husk, fir barks or Chilean sphagnum. We thought that making mixes with none of these traditional orchid media would be a great alternative for a variety of reasons. Some people and plants need more choices. Some don't like the dust of fir. Some don't like coconut husk. Some prefer AAA New Zealand Sphagnum to the less costly and less fluffy Premium Chilean. Based on our order flow since introducing the Imperial Orchid Mixes we know our customers have agreed with our thoughts. We use all of our mixes ourselves and each has its place in our view.
Q: What goes into the Imperial Orchid Mixes?
A: Each Imperial Orchid Mix is unique, and various ones contain AAA New Zealand Sphagnum, Imported Cork Chips from Portugal, Monterey Pine Bark from New Zealand, and other medias that round out the mix, like sponge rock, or rice hulls, or tree fern etc. Each ingredient is spelled out completely so our customers know precisely what they are buying, just like with our Classic Orchid Mixes - no "secret" ingredients. These are very special mixes, and are perhaps as much defined by what doesn't go into them as what does. For example, we made a decision to not have any Coconut products in the Imperial Orchid Mixes. Not because they are bad, but because we want to have a clear alternative. Kind of like a vegetarian menu is an alternative in a restaurant. No fir bark exists in the Imperial Orchid Mixes. The bark we use for these exclusive blends is Monterey. The long fibered Sphagnum we use is AAA New Zealand. The only place you will find cork in our mixes is in the Imperial Line unless you design your own in our Select-A-Blend section.
Q: What is so special about cork?
A: Many orchids love to grow on cork plaques, and in cork tubes which we think look great too. The reason these orchids love cork is because it doesn't get sopping wet, resists mold, and has craggy surfaces for roots to burrow into. Cork chips, chunks and nuggets make a marvelous addition to mixes because they impart these same qualities and also keep the mix open and airy. They look fantastic in the mix too, and the top of the mix seems to stay fresh and clean looking for longer stretches of time.
Q: Why are there multi-purpose Imperial Orchid Mixes?
A: In each of our Mix lines (Classic Orchid Mix and Imperial Orchid Mix) we wanted to create a mix that is based as much on genera as on root type. With so many different species of orchids, it would be a great challenge to have a mix for each, so we wanted to give our customers the ability to match a mix up with a specific plant based on characteristics if not by genera/name. We created two of these, one based on AAA New Zealand Sphagnum, and the other based on Monterey Pine Bark. There are also two multi-purpose mixes in the Classic Ochid Mix line, the Cattleya and the Fir Blends. All of that said we now make 25 unique exclusive mixes for our customers.