Oncidium Mem. Kyoshi Akatsuka 'Volcano Queen'
Oncidium Mem. Kyoshi Akatsuka 'Volcano Queen'
Orchid Care

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Finding Orchid Supplies

Finding the best orchid supplies can be a real challenge. MYORCHIDSUPPLY is dedicated to helping you find not only the right supplies for your needs but also the right orchid mix for every genera, and the media that you can create your own mix from. A division of rePotme.com, MYORCHIDSUPPLY represents 21 Selected Blend Orchid Mixes, in addition to Select-A-Blend which offers 46 different orchid media from Aliflor to New Zealand AAA Sphagnum. Select-A-Blend orchid Mix allows you to create your own mix which is then blended by the company, packaged and immediately shipped to your door!

FEED ME! MSU Orchid Fertilizer is exclusively offered by rePotme.com as is the all Natural GET OFF ME! Insect Spray which can be ordered as a kit with spray bottle, in refill containers of Pint, Quart, and Gallon, or in Combo Packs with FEED ME! MSU Orchid Fertilizer at a discount over the regular price. Great orchid supplies shipped directly to your door.

Crystal Clear Plastic Orchid Pots, Clear Slotted Pots and amazing ceramic orchid pots with rich deep glazes can also be found here. With over 55 different ceramic pots, more than 20 unique plastic pots and a vast selection of supports, clips, cork mounts, vanda baskets and orchid lighting products, you will be delighted to experience all that is offered. An orchid supply company that uses what it sells too.

Orchid Furniture with built in grow lighting and humidity trays with unique drainage hoses can be found here as well. From quarts of media to big boxes holding gallons, the mix options are endless. African Violet mixes, Cactus mixes, even beautiful African Violet Pots are here in a variety of shapes and color combinations. Our customers are the best judges of how we are doing, and they have helped us grow to become the premier destination for orchid supplies and mixes. We hope you will give us a try too, our goal is to delight you with outstanding service, extraordinary supplies and lightning fast shipping directly to your door. Most orders ship the same day they are placed.

Orchid Mixes are what we are famous for, but supplies, pottery and all sorts of plastic pots make us a destination for smart orchid growers everywhere. We Deliver the Goods!

"Helping Bloom Happy Orchids One Pot At A Time For Over 25 Years"